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Sunday, October 16, 2011

A Slight Complication Chapter 1: Do I Lie Or Tell The Truth?, a harry potter fanfic - FanFiction.Net

A Slight Complication Chapter 1: Do I Lie Or Tell The Truth?, a harry potter fanfic - FanFiction.Net by Panny.

Synopsis: Hermione made one last request before joining Harry in his hunt for the Horcruxes. Unfortunately that request would have long lasting repercussions for both her and the man involved. FredxHermione.

Rating: T/PG-13

My view: I like this story! A lot! I like how selected the point of view is. Most writers fall into that trap of trying to over explain things and end up loosing their focus, it's happened to me! But Panny doesn't. The characters are pretty close to character. Hermione realizes quickly that sex comes with consequences, but what is a girl to do when there is a war going on and you're on the run from evil forces, you think like Hermione! I like Fred and Hermione in this. I even like Ron in this story and that is saying a lot. He still has his immature temper, but he eventually grows out of it. Thank God!  If you want a cute little romance and enjoy Fred and Hermione pairing, this is a sweet little read.

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